Feathership On Call
Holding Space // Drop in
A stand-alone, drop in call for immediate leadership support and guidance.
Sometimes we need a thought partner; someone to hear our ideas and questions. Sometimes we need a space to explore what is alive for us. Do you ever feel that way?
Discernment - intentional, heart-centered decision making - is at the heart of effective leadership, and requires ample practice plus the KNOWING of which values are actually driving your behaviors and thought patterns.
Feathership on call is an opportunity to unpack, explore, and reconnect with your values and beliefs and to lead in alignment with who you want to be in the world.
Looking for a more substantial partnership? Consider a coaching package and read more about Coaching Partnerships below. Book your first call here.
Coaching Partnerships
There is a leader in each of us
When we see ourselves as leaders, we step up and take authority over our lives and encourage others to do the same. Coaching can help you find the clarity you seek, the courage you desire, and the confidence you need to bring your vision to fruition.
There is no-one-size fits all approach to Feathership coaching. Each experience is tailored for you and your team. Coaching can be some combination of directive, facilitative, or collaborative. It all depends on you, your unique strengths and areas of growth, and prioritized objectives. Together we create a plan that will help you reach your goals and we adjust when needed - all with our leadership consulting service.
Feathership supports questioning the status quo, pondering new ideas, exploring and engaging in divergent thinking, growing and improving to the best of our ability.
Coaching With Cards
New Moon Intentions // exploration
Join me in using cards as a creative tool and approach to inquiry and introspection.
Together we will explore the many themes and patterns presented in your unique card spread.
With discernment and discovery I will assist you to se new moon intentions and goals to focus your time and energy for this moon cycle.
The process is a card-prompted, organic discussion, centered around your personal and professional goals & development.
Highly customized to your unique path, interests, and source of inspiration.
You will leave this coaching call with intentions and guidance for moving forward.
This is a virtual coaching experience. Contact me at Stephanie@feathership.com to explore options available.